Essay About Television Television is electrical equipment.It is a means of communication. It has a screen on which we can watch moving picture and listen sounds. It is a modern technology invented by John Logie Baird in 1926. The short form of television is TV. It is popular all over the world. It is a very useful device in the life of human beings. Most of the houses contain this device in this modern age. Television is very common means of communication today It has many advantages. If we fail to use it properly, it has many disadvantages also. And if we waste our crucial time just by watching it then we become lazy. Our valuable time goes out for no any purpose. So, it depends upon us. We should know to make this very electronic device valuable in our life. Otherwise it may be an instrument just to waste our time. In present days, different television channels have been developed in Nepal. Nepal TV, Kantipur TV, NTV Plus, Sagarmatha TV, Avenues TV, ABC TV, Image TV, Himalaya T...
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