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Seasons in Nepal

Essay about seasons in Nepal

Essay about seasons in Nepal

Our country lies in the Monsoon region of south Asia. This region in the world is very good and suitable for agriculture. Nepal as different kinds of land structures and climatic regions. It has mountains, hills and Tarai or plain land as well as valleys among high hills. So is the division of seasons.

There are mainly four seasons in the world. But here are six seasons in Nepal. Each season lasts for two months. They are Vasanta, Grishma, Varsa,Sharad, Hemanta and Shisir respectively. The six seasons are divided into two parts- summer and winter. Each season has its own beauties. Vasanta or Spring season is regarded as the king of the seasons. It is the loveliest season than the other season. The new plants will come into the new life. The flowers are blooming. the bees are busy in collecting honey from different flowers. The climate is moderate it means neither cold nor hot. Days and nights are equal in time.Grishma is the second one. There is a little rainfall. The days are long while the nights are short. They are very lazy. The dreadful diseases often break out. Varsha is called as rainy season. The sky is always full of clouds and flashes of lightening. The environment looks green. Mostly the flood came and sweeps away men and cattle too. Thus famine may occur and dreadful diseases broke out.Sharad is the fourth season. This season is similar to the spring and Vasanta. This is also a happy and healthy season. The farmers are busy in harvesting their crops. Scorching heat and dreadful rainfall is the special feature of these seasons. People like to fly kite in the sky. We celebrate most festivals. Hemanta comes after Sharada. It is a cold season farmers store their harvest. They grow vegetables. The morning and night are cold but days are warm. The night is longer than the day. People have good appetite and digestive power. Hence, there are no spreading diseases in this season. Shisir is the last and coldest of all the seasons. The days are shorter than the nights. The large amount of fruits and vegetables are grown.

In this way, every season in Nepal has its own features. They come interchangeably one after another. We have different climate fruits, crops etc. This is the wheel of different climatic conditions We should enjoy and use them wisely. We should change ourselves according to seasons.

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  1. It is very easy for students

  2. Thank you for sweet eassy about four seasons letter

  3. Wow 😳 what a beautiful essay on season I love tis


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