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Science and Technology

Essay about Science and Technology
Essay about Science and Technology
This is the age of science and technology. Science has changed every aspect of our life. It has developed many modern means and equipments. We have many machines today. It has made our life comfortable. Many impossible things have been made quite possible today. There are wonders of science at every step of our life.

Many things are available due to the use of science. Science has become a boon today. It is an important part of the modern civilization. It has brought a lot of changes in our lives. It is the science that has made everything possible which was impossible in the past. Today, we can do everything easily and comfortably due to science and technology. As science has developed many advanced technologies, people can round the world in a few hours via aeroplane, rocket etc. We can send a message from one corner of the world to another with various means of communication such as telephone, mobile, fax, and telegraph and so on. We can talk face to face to another person by sitting in the corner of our room. We can see different kinds of events happening in the world on the television screen sitting in the room or on our Facebook. We can travel into the space and other planets. These all are possible by science and technology. So, without science our life today will be Incomplete. Science also has bad impacts on our life because of its misuse by some persons. It has been used in destructive activities. It is used in wrong manner, which has badly affected to whole mankind as well as all creatures.

The science is doing its great job to make our lives more and more comfortable. It is therefore the scientific inventions are playing an important role in the life of human society. Science has touched almost all areas of our lives. From the transportation to communication and engineering to medical science, the science ha become a blessing. Scientific inventions like radio; TV, telephone, electricity, computers etc are the marvelous effort of science. The inventions of the steamboat marked the beginning of the modern ship. The Wright brothers were the first to fly successful in the air. The scientific inventions and discoveries have become the part of our daily lives. They give us great comfort and happiness. It is boon in peace and development. It has brought us a lot of comfort and benefits. It has given legs to the lame, ears to the deaf and eyes to the blind. On the other hand, it is also a curse because the science has also developed automatic killing machines and bomb that used in killing people and destroying properties.

As science is a boon for us, science has been an integral part human life. So, we should use it in proper place in proper way. If use science properly, we will overcome the nature near future otherwise it may be a destroyer, too.

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