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Quality Education

Essay about Quality Education
Essay about Quality Education
The word education means- a process of teaching, training, and learning especially in schools or colleges to improve knowledge and develop skills. Education is the most important jewelry of the human today. As there are different kinds of institutions for education, all of them cannot provide quality education. Quality education means education that is useful and practical in a person's life. 
This is the age of competition. Only highly qualified persons can be success in any competition. Education cannot be tested a high quality or low quality but there are many differences between them. Only a quality institution with expert teachers, methods and materials can afford quality education. Today there are so many schools, colleges. They advertise that we afford quality education Everybody needs quality education. Everybody claims quality education. But what is quality education and who provide it? Many private and public schools have been established everywhere but there is no guarantee of quality education. Many educated people in Nepal have been jobless or unemployed because of quality-less education.

A quality education needs quality teachers, students, teaching learning system, exam system, supervision, etc. If the teachers are not expert, active, skilled and responsible, there is no quality education. There are many problems in schools to provide quality education in Nepal. But some effective practices have been made for it from private and government side. Still there should be some changes in education system to overcome such educational problems in Nepal. There is need of training for teachers, production and application of quality instructional materials. Effective education policy and stable government with good plan are also necessary for quality education. Otherwise the education will be a commodity of business. Teachers must be qualified, honest, sincere and effective in schools and society. Salary, facilities and benefits must be effective and fascinating for teachers. Equal opportunity for male and female, children and adult as well as reward and punishment should be applied to the teachers on the basis of their performance. Schools and colleges must be politics-free. Timely revision in curriculum and textbooks and proper supervision should be strict. Everybody should be aware of good education.

In conclusion, only sending children to school or college and paying high fee is not guarantee of quality education. Quality education is very necessary and it is only possible through expert, hard-working, trained and faithful teachers as well as effective use of proper materials.

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