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Mount Everest

Essay about Mount Everest
Essay about Mount Everest
Nepal is a mountainous country. It is situated on the lap of the Himalayas. Mount Everest, the mountain peak in the Himalayas of northern Nepal is considered to be the highest mountain peak in the world. There are many highest mountain peaks in Nepal.

Mount Everest was known as peak XV until 1856, when it was named for George Everest, the surveyor general of it was named for George Everest. Most Nepali people refer to the mountain as Sagarmatha, meaning forehead in the sky. Speakers of Tibetan languages, including the Sherpa people of northern Nepal, refer to the mountain as Chomolungma, Tibetan for goddess mother of the world. Mount Everest, with a height of 8848 m (29033 ft), rises in the Himalayas on the frontier of Nepal and Tibet. Numerous groups tried to reach the summit. Climbing Mount Everest was made popular by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay, in 1953, who became the first people to successfully climb the mountain.After then many Nepalese and foreign climbers have been successfully climbed it many times. Many people attempted to climb Everest- but some of them successfully reached the summit and many died trying. Junko Tawei from Japan is the first lady to scale it. Likewise Pasang Lhamu Sherpa is the first Nepali woman to climb it.

Mount Everest is covered with huge glaciers that descend from the main peak. The mountain itself is a pyramid-shaped horn sculpted by the erosive power of the glacial ice into three massive faces and three major ridges. The climate of Mount Everest is naturally extreme. At no time of the year does the temperature on he summit rise above freezing. As the primarily of climbing Everest has increased in recent years. Many experienced climbers have recruited wealthy, armature climbers as teammates. Yet extreme weather conditions have led to a number of tragedies in which clients and competent guides alike have died attempting the climb.

 With the inrease in the number of climbing it there is problem of sanitation. Empty bottles litter the ground on the south col route to the summit of Mount Everest. The large number of trekkers and climbers who visit Nepal and the Everest region contribute to the local economy but also cause serious environmental impact. Such impact includes the burning of wood for fuel, pollution in the form of human waste and trash, and abandoned climbing gear. Efforts have been made to reduce the negative environmental impact on Mount Everest. In 1976, with aid from Sir Edmund Hillary's Himalayan trust and the Nepalese government, the National Park was established to preserve the remaining soil and forest around Mount Everest. By the mid-1900s the park comprised 1,240 sq km (480 sq mile).

 As beautiful and important is the highest peak in the is our responsibility to conserve it. We should keep it clean .As we feel proud of Mt. Everest we should love it, clean it and protect it.

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