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Human Right

Essay about Human Right
Essay about Human Right
Today many persons and organizations in the world advocate and raise voice in favour of rights but they neglect their responsibilities and duties. They forget to memorise the duties and just claim rights. This has created a problem. All the people seek their rights but do not care others'.

Among all the creatures in the world, human being is the superior being. Human beings are very different than others. Because of the distinct features like sense, wisdom, logic, etc. human beings are very developed and conscious. Human beings live in societies. They form communities; celebrate festivals together respect and love each other. But at the same time, some human beings are very selfish and cruel. They do not care other's welfare or value. So there are war, fight, chaos and breaching of human features. Nature has provided all creatures with equal rights in th world. Sometimes human beings grasp and violate the rights other human and creatures.

 So preserve and save the human rights, some conscious people and organizations are working all over the world. Human rights commonly understood as fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. The basic forms of human rights are right to live, liberty and human dignity. They are the basic rights to be enjoyed by every human being.

 The United Nations ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, after World War II. These universal rights include the right to live in freedom, without fear of torture or slavery, the right to participate in government, the right to work, and the right to education. This ever-expanding concept of human rights has led to the creation of countless human rights organizations whose aim is to monitor the state of human rights around the world and to prevent human rights abuses.

UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human rights on 10th December 1948. These are rights to live, liberty and security of person, right to freedom of speech, judicial remedy, freedom of movement, right to take part in the governance of one's country etc. The second types of rights are economic and social rights. These are the right to work, right to live with dignity, right to rest and leisure, right to education, equal pay for equal work, right to equality. In some countries, economic and social rights are not enforced. Therefore, the basic idea beh stressing human rights is that all governments should try to maintain these fundamental rights and see that all types of discrimination in this respect are rooted out.

Protection of human rights is a fundamental duty of every person and government in the world. Some international organizations like UNO, International Human Rights Commission, are playing a vital role in ensuring the implementation of these basic rights. We also should be aware of the human rights of other persons while using our rights.

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