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Forests In Nepal

Essay about Forests In Nepal
Essay about Forests In Nepal
Nepal is very rich in natural resources.It is land of different flora and fauna. Nepal is a mountainous country. It is situated on the lap of the Himalayas.It is naturally rich but economically poor.The green forests, water-falls, snow-capped mountains, tranquil lakes are its main attractions.

Nepal is popular all over the world for its natural beauty. Forests are the main natural resources of Nepal. Many kinds of forests can be found because of attitudinal variation. Hence we often say,"Green forest is the wealth of nation".In fact forest contribute a lot for the nation's economic progress. They have different advantages. They make the environment fresh and beautiful. Many kinds of wildlife can be found in the forest. The sweet songs of different kinds of birds add more attraction to the forests. Medicinal herbs are also fond which can be used for treatment of many diseases. We can earn foreign currency by exporting them. Tourists visit the green forests of Nepal to make different researches about wildlife. Hence tourism can be flourished. Foreign currency can be earned from the tourists. Forests help to increase the intensity of rainfall. Nepalese farmers rely on rainfall. Hence,it is very important. The green forests found in the Tarai region are rich in timber making trees. Foreign currency can be earned by exporting them. The roots of the trees go down to the great depth and capture the soil tightly which prevents from soil erosion and landslides. To have wealth is not only great thing but to use it wisely is the main thing for every person or nation. As the forest has many advantages, it should be preserved at any cost. The population of Nepal is increasing so rapidly that men destroy the jungle for cultivation, settlement and other purposes. This should be stopped. The local people should be given authority and responsibility to preserve the forests for their own use. They should be taught the importance of forests. The government should formulate strict rules. There must be the provision of severe punishment for those who destroy the jungle.
In addition, different activities should be launched. Afforestation programmes should be carried out all over the country.

Forests in Nepal have ecological, economic and agricultural importance. It has been felt that we should not make late to launch different program to preserve the forests. In this connection people's involvement is crucial. They should be empowered to preserve the jungle for the benefit of the society, country and ultimately human beings.

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  1. Thank you so much for giving the powerful essay.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing important essay on forest resources in Nepal

  3. Thank u so much for these interesting essays

  4. Can you please write about forest in nepali language plz

  5. Thank you for such a logical essay about forest in nepal. keep it up . make more essay like this😊😊

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    1. I also like it thank you😃😄it help me lot for homework😘😜

  7. That so much for this essay

  8. Thank you so much very important essy ....

  9. thankyou for this beautifull essay

  10. Thank you for your beautiful comment.

  11. Oh yah its too good but you should also try many hard and try to make sentence proper

  12. It is very wonderful essay it helped me a lot


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