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Essay about Earthquake

Nature has given many wonderful things. But sometimes it shows its creepy side. Earthquake, flood, landslide, fire, volcano and tsunami are such violent and dangerous forms of the nature.Earthquakes are one of the terrible outcomes of nature.The interior of the earth is full of hot liquid.This liquid has been cooling at its surface. When its surface cools and contracts earth upon it is drawn downward. The earth upon it cracks in the process. When the water from a sea passes down through the crack and touches the hot liquid. It gives rise to a mass of steam. When the steam expands and dashes to come out, the earth is violently shaken.Thus there happens the earthquake. The steam under the earth ,finds an easy way out through a volcano. So, the land full of volcanoes, is frequently infested by earthquakes. Through these volcanic explosions come out fire, smoke, steam and liquid
substance called lava. As earthquake occurs, the earth shakes violently causing very disastrous result. Earthquakes cause dreadful effects like  property damage, loss of life and food shortage. They also cause property damage by destroying houses, buildings and farms. Earthquake makes a heavy loss of life and property Many beautiful cities full of palatial buildings lay waste like a war ravaged country within a few minutes. The centre from which the earthquake waves originate is called seismic focus or hypocenter. It lies within the crust of earth. The point on earth's surface, vertically above the focus is called epicenter. The intensity of earthquake waves and its time of occurrence are recorded by an instrument called seismograph. The intensity of an earthquake is measured on Richter Scale. Earthquake which measures 8 or more on Richter scale is very severe. The Richter scale for measuring the intensity of earthquakes was invented by a scientist called Cf. Richter. Nepal is also a probable place for earthquake. It has experienced great earthquakes like in 1990, 2068 and recently, on 12th Baishakh 2072 BS. An earthquake of 7.6 Richter scale has caused great damage of property and lives. Earthquake cannot be prevented but we can safe our properties and lives by applying precautions and safety measures.

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